If a check is lost or stolen, we will place a Stop Payment on the item (no sooner than 10 days from mailing) and queue a new check to be printed one week from the stop date.
Because mail delays and fraud pose significant problems for our clients and us, we strongly encourage you to sign up for Auto-Pay. With Auto-Pay, you will receive an email confirmation of when the funds are being deposited along with a detailed description (check stub) of the deposit. Another benefit is that funds are immediately good funds at your bank, unlike a check may be.
If you opt not to take advantage of this free service and must request a replacement check, we will assess a $15 fee to your disbursement to cover the cost of the Stop Pay and reissuance. However, if you opt to sign up at that time for automatic deposit, we will waive the $15 stop payment and reissue fee.